Team PediCure - Behind the musing

Here is the freaking jackhammer that just won't quit. It wakes me up. It stops at normal human hours, then resumes at 7:00 or the second you are on a conference call or recording a podcast. My computer screen shakes and my 400-year-old house considers cracking its walls. It happened while recording "Musing - Team PediCure" several times. I decided to just roll with it as I was recording "the good part". So, if it's annoying to listen to, I am sorry. I didn't want to interrupt my flow.

This episode was cathartic to make as it revealed my MS diagnosis, but also all of the wonderful things that helped me get through it. A PRIME example of many in my life when the universe balanced things for me via friendships and connections.

Colorado is a magical place and always calls to me. After Vail, we moved "down the mountain" to the Front Range to live in Boulder. I will never forget a story from Moe's Bagels in Boulder. In Boulder, most Saturday mornings, you will find large volumes of road bikers in their padded bike shorts, bicycle "clip in" shoes, AND HELMETS ON hanging out drinking coffee and eating bagels for hours ... long after their "long" ride.

One day, I went to Moe's and heard a familiar voice on the loud speaker announcing ready orders. I thought, I know that voice. There was a well-known party host in a bar in the West Village of Manhattan called Tortilla Flats. This was before this neighbourhood was found. It was off the beaten track, and the MTV crew would go there for Haiku night and Hula Hoop contest night. FYI, I won the Hula Hoop night. The host was this quirky guy and was well known for his comedy and dynamic Haiku Night -hosting skills.

So, I asked the guy behind the Moe's Bagel counter if he had a twin brother who lives in NYC. He said no, then grabbed the microphone to say, BECAUSE THAT IS ME!!!! ahahhahahhahahhhhahah.